language = new Array();
function lang_getword(lang,label)
var response="";
if(language[lang] !== undefined)
if( language[lang][label] !== undefined ) {
if(language['langUS'] !== undefined)
if( language['langUS'][label] !== undefined )
return response;
language['langUS']=new Array();
language['langUS']['lbl_securitycode']="Security Code";
language['langUS']['lbl_security_code']="Please complete the security code";
language['langUS']['missing_adress']="The adress was not provided";
language['langUS']['lbl_ordercomplete']="Order complete";
language['langUS']['lbl_lbl_ordercomplete']="Order complete";
language['langUS']['lbl_timecondition_missingname']="The Name of the condition was not provided";
language['langUS']['lbl_mandatory_label']="Field Mandatory";
language['langUS']['mandatory_label']="Field Mandatory";
language['langUS']['lbl_signin']="Sign in";
language['langUS']['lbl_pleasewait']="Please wait";
language['langUS']['lbl_accountdetailstab']="Account Details";
language['langUS']['lbl_amountdue']="Amount due";
language['langUS']['lbl_servicecharges']="Services Charges ";
language['langUS']['lbl_addcreditpaypal']="Add funds using your PayPal account. ";
language['langUS']['lbl_filterObtained']="Filter records obtained:";
language['langUS']['lbl_recordsperpage']="records per page";
language['langUS']['lbl_isnotstatcimember']="There is no static member";
language['langUS']['lbl_missing_calleridnamelookup']="Please select CallerID Name Lookup";
language['langUS']['lbl_missing_did']="DID was not provided";
language['langUS']['lbl_missing_fullname']="Full Name was not provided";
language['langUS']['lbl_invalid_fullname']="Invalid Full Name";
language['langUS']['lbl_missing_street_number']="Street Number was not provided";
language['langUS']['lbl_invalid_street_number']="Invalid Street Number";
language['langUS']['lbl_missing_street_name']="Street Name was not provided";
language['langUS']['lbl_invalid_street_name']="Invalid Street Name";
language['langUS']['lbl_missing_city']="City was not provided";
language['langUS']['lbl_invalid_city']="Invalid City";
language['langUS']['lbl_missing_state']="State was not provided";
language['langUS']['lbl_invalid_state']="Invalid State";
language['langUS']['lbl_missing_country']="Country was not provided";
language['langUS']['lbl_invalid_country']="Invalid Country";
language['langUS']['lbl_missing_zip']="Zip Code was not provided";
language['langUS']['lbl_invalid_zip']="Invalid Zip Code";
language['langUS']['lbl_missing_language']="Language was not provided";
language['langUS']['lbl_invalid_language']="Invalid Language";
language['langUS']['lbl_anoncallidnumber']="Anonymous CallerID number";
language['langUS']['lbl_invalidornoncallerid']="Invalid or non US/Can CallerID";
language['langUS']['lbl_invalid_name']="Invalid name";
language['langUS']['lbl_invalid_number']="Invalid number";
language['langUS']['lbl_invalid_email']="Invalid email";
language['langUS']['lbl_duplicated_email']="There is one or more emails duplicated";
language['langUS']['lbl_invalid_amount_emails']="The email list can\'t have more than 10 addresses";
language['langUS']['lbl_used_email']="You already have an entry with this Email";
language['langUS']['lbl_invalid_folder_id']="Invalid Folder ID";
language['langUS']['lbl_authenticationtype']="Authentication type";
language['langUS']['lbl_allowedcodecs']="Allowed codecs";
language['langUS']['lbl_devicetype']="Device type";
language['langUS']['lbl_callerid_override']="CallerID override";
language['langUS']['lbl_package_associated']="Package associated";
language['langUS']['lbl_monthly_fee']="Monthly Fee";
language['langUS']['lbl_free_minutes']="Free Minutes";
language['langUS']['lbl_ipaddress']="IP Address";
language['langUS']['lbl_canada_routing']="Canada routing";
language['langUS']['lbl_international_route']="International route";
language['langUS']['lbl_allow225']="Allow *225 for balance";
language['langUS']['lbl_allowinternational']="Allow international calls";
language['langUS']['lbl_dtmfmode']="DTMF Mode";
language['langUS']['lbl_nat']="NAT (Network Address Translation)";
language['langUS']['lbl_basic_options']="Basic options";
language['langUS']['lbl_advanced_options']="Advanced options";
language['langUS']['lbl_accountdetailsaved']="Account Details, Saved";
language['langUS']['lbl_returnacclist']="Return to Account List";
/*use your credentials to access the system*/
language['langUS']['lbl_use_your_credentials_access_system']="use your credentials to access the system";
language['langUS']['lbl_myservices']="My Services";
language['langUS']['lbl_micdr']="My CDR";
language['langUS']['lbl_orderdids']="Order DIDS";
language['langUS']['lbl_orderdid']="Order DID";
language['langUS']['lbl_orderfax']="Order Faxes";
language['langUS']['lbl_managefax']="Manage Fax Numbers";
language['langUS']['lbl_foldersinfo']="In this section you can create folders by typing in the folder name of your choosing under 'Add Folder' and clicking 'Save Folder'.You can have an overview of your Folders, see the date they were Created, the amount of Faxes in each Folder and be able to Edit the Folder or Delete it.Any Faxes contained in a created folder will revert back to either the INBOX or SENT folder if the created folder is deleted.";
language['langUS']['lbl_managefaxfolders']="Manage Folders";
language['langUS']['lbl_faxfolders']="Fax Folders";
language['langUS']['lbl_savefolders']="Save Folders";
language['langUS']['lbl_savefolder']="Save Folder";
language['langUS']['lbl_addfolder']="Add Folder";
language['langUS']['lbl_editfolder']="Edit Folder";
language['langUS']['lbl_deletefolder']="Delete Folder";
language['langUS']['lbl_removefolder']="Remove Folder";
language['langUS']['lbl_sendfax']="Send Fax";
language['langUS']['lbl_sendfaxes']="Send Faxes";
language['langUS']['lbl_virtualfax']="Virtual Fax";
language['langUS']['lbl_timecondition']="Time Conditions";
language['langUS']['lbl_sipuri']="SIP URI";
language['langUS']['lbl_ringgroup']="Ring Group";
language['langUS']['lbl_call_recordings']="Call Recordings";
language['langUS']['lbl_callingqueues']="Calling Queues";
language['langUS']['lbl_callfwrd']="Call Forwarding";
language['langUS']['lbl_calleridfilter']="Caller ID Filtering";
language['langUS']['lbl_currentbalance']="Current Balance";
language['langUS']['lbl_makepayment']="Make payment";
language['langUS']['lbl_totalsummary']="Total summary";
language['langUS']['lbl_totalcalls']="Total Calls";
language['langUS']['lbl_totalspent']="Total Spent";
language['langUS']['lbl_totaltime']="Total time";
language['langUS']['lbl_todaysummary']="Today summary";
language['langUS']['lbl_callstoday']="Calls Today";
language['langUS']['lbl_spenttoday']="Spent Today";
language['langUS']['lbl_timetoday']="Time Today";
language['langUS']['lbl_checkratesonline']="Check Rates Online";
language['langUS']['lbl_searchcriteria']="Search Criteria";
language['langUS']['lbl_bystatingletter']="By Starting Letter";
language['langUS']['lbl_bycountry']="By Country";
language['langUS']['lbl_byword']="By Word";
language['langUS']['lbl_selectlettertofilterrate']="Select a letter to filter the rate";
language['langUS']['lbl_yourselection']="Your Selection";
language['langUS']['lbl_listofrates']="List of rates";
language['langUS']['lbl_searchresult']="Search Results";
language['langUS']['lbl_calldetailrecords']="Call Detail Records";
language['langUS']['lbl_calltypes']="Call Types";
language['langUS']['lbl_callbilling']="Call Billing";
language['langUS']['lbl_timezone']="Time Zone";
language['langUS']['lbl_noanswer']="No Answer";
language['langUS']['lbl_callhistory']="Call history";
language['langUS']['lbl_calldetail']="Call history";
language['langUS']['lbl_callerid']="Caller ID";
language['langUS']['lbl_staticmembers']="Static members";
language['langUS']['lbl_editivr']="Edit IVR";
language['langUS']['lbl_addnewivr']="Add new IVR";
language['langUS']['lbl_staticmembers_cont']="Static Members are the predefined and permanently assigned members responsible for answering incoming"+
"calls to a queue. You can add as many members as you wish to any given queue. You only have to add "+
"the Description, the Priority of the member and the Account that will receive the calls from the queue."+
"The advantage of the static members is that your members do not have to login or logout from the queue"+
"using the *11 and *12 commands. The only thing your members have to do is register or unregister their"+
"accounts from our servers. One of disadvantages of the static members is that your members are unable to"+
"log out of the queue, they are permanently assigned instead. Another disadvantage is that your members need"+
"to use their account or sub account to be in the queue, this could mean that they wouldn't be able to"+
"change devices and log into the queue, they would have to use their assigned device.";
" entrants dans la file d'attente. Vous pouvez ajouter autant de membres que vous le souhaitez dans la file d'attente choisi. Vous n'avez qu'à ajouter"+
"une description, la priorité du membre et le compte qui recevra les appels de la file d'attente."+
"L'avantage des membres statiques est que vos membres n'ont pas à s'identifier ou cd déconnecter de la file d'attente"+
"en utilisant les codes *11 et *12. La seule chose que vos membres ont à faire est de se inscrire ou de désenregistrer"+
"leur comptes de nos serveurs. Un des inconvénients des membres statiques, c'est que vos membres sont incapables de"+
"ce déconnecter de la file d'attente, ils sont en permanence sur place. Un autre inconvénient est que vos membres doivent"+
"utiliser leur compte ou sous-compte pour être dans la file d'attente, cela pourrait signifier qu'ils ne seraient pas en mesure de"+
"changer d'appareil et de se connecter à la file d'attente. Ils devront utiliser leur appareil affecté.";
language['langUS']['lbl_loadingdata']="Loading Data...";
language['langUS']['lbl_canceleddid']="DID Canceled";
language['langUS']['lbl_deletedfolder']="Fax Folder Canceled";
language['langUS']['lbl_emailaddress']="Email address";
language['langUS']['lbl_yousurewantdelete']="you sure you want to delete";
language['langUS']['lbl_deletewarning']="Delete warning";
language['langUS']['lbl_addstatic']="Add a new Static member.";
language['langUS']['lbl_editstaticmember']="Add a new Static member.";
language['langUS']['lbl_savestaticmember']="Save Static member";
language['langUS']['lbl_saveschangestaticmember']="Save changes in Static member";
language['langUS']['lbl_staticmemberlist']="Static members list.";
language['langUS']['lbl_didlist']="DIDs list";
language['langUS']['lbl_faxlist']="Faxes list";
language['langUS']['lbl_virtualfaxes']="Virtual Faxes";
language['langUS']['lbl_accountlist']="Accounts list";
language['langUS']['lbl_ivrdetails']="IVR Details";
language['langUS']['lbl_nodid']="No DID";
language['langUS']['lbl_changes_saved']="Changes saved. Please allow up to 1 minute for all changes to propagate to live servers.";
language['langUS']['lbl_savechanges']="Save Changes";
language['langUS']['lbl_edit_routing']="Edit routing";
language['langUS']['lbl_newcallerfilter']="Add a new Caller ID Filtering";
language['langUS']['lbl_bad_request']="Invalid request
please try again later";
language['langUS']['lbl_no_cdr']="There are no CDR entries for the filter";
language['langUS']['lbl_saved']="Your information has been saved correctly";
language['langUS']['lbl_saving']="Saving, please wait";
language['langUS']['lbl_account_saved']="Account detail saved";
language['langUS']['lbl_deleted']="Successfully deleted";
language['langUS']['lbl_please_select_rounting']="Please Select one routing option for continue";
language['langUS']['lbl_youcanchangeaccount']="You can change your account anytime";
language['langUS']['lbl_currentaccount']="Current Account";
language['langUS']['lbl_otheraccounttochoose']="To change the account, chose from one of the following options";
language['langUS']['lbl_instrucchangeaccountdef']="We have detected more than one account associated to your user name.
language['langUS']['lbl_asdefault']="has been selected automatically and loaded into the interface";
language['langUS']['lbl_changemyaccount']="Change my Account";
language['langUS']['lbl_changeaccount']="Change Account";
language['langUS']['lbl_changemyaccountdefault']="Select Account by Default";
language['langUS']['lbl_ifemptybeignored']="If empty, will be ignored when you click Save.";
language['langUS']['lbl_removethisoption']="Remove this option";
language['langUS']['lbl_select_typefilter']="Select Type of Filter";
language['langUS']['lbl_digital_recepcionist']="Digital Receptionist";
The \'Digital Receptionist\' (IVR) page is the interface used to setup your auto-attendant menus.
"For example, you could create an IVR and point one of your DID numbers to it, and when the IVR answers,"+
" caller will hear \"Thank you for calling XYZ Inc, for Sales press 1, for Service press 2\", etc.
"Par exemple, vous pouvez créer un IVR et pointer votre DID à celui-ci et quand l\'IVR répondra, l\'appelant entendra \"Merci d\'avoir appelé XYZ Inc. pour les ventes appuyez"+
"sur 1, pour la presse, sur 2, etc\".";
"Por ejemplo, podría crear un IVR y el punto uno de sus números DID a él, y cuando las respuestas de IVR, la persona que llama escuchará \"Gracias por llamar a XYZ Inc, para la "+
"prensa Ventas 1, para la prensa de servicio 2\", etc.";
language['langUS']['lbl_sometips_ivr']="Some tips you may want to consider before you start creating your IVR menus";
language['langUS']['lbl_tipsivrcontent']="- Plan your call flow in advance. You should create all the destinations (Calling queues, Ring Groups, etc) of your IVR menus before creating the parent IVR's that lead to them.
"- Record your audio prompts and upload them using the \"Recordings\" portion of the customer portal.
"- Create any destinations that don't currently exist and that you plan on using with your IVR destinations. (Calling queues, Ring groups, etc).
"- If you find out when creating an IVR that you forgot to create the destination (IVR, Queue etc), don\'t worry. You can save it, go create the missing element and come back to edit it later.
" Enregistrez vos invites audio et téléchargez-les en utilisant la partie \"Recordings\" du portail client. li> Créez des destinations et que vous «plannifiez faire utilisation avec votre IVR."+
" (File d'appels en attentes, des sonneries de groupes, etc.)."+
" Si vous trouvez Lors de la"+
" création d'un IVR, que vous «avez oublié de créer une destination (un autre IVR, la file d'appel en attente, etc.), ne vous inquiétez pas."+
" Vous pouvez l'enregistrer, allez créer l'élément manquant et revenir modifier l'IVR plus tard. ";
" Graba tu audio rápida y subir em utilizando la sección de \"Grabaciones\" del portal de clientes. li>"+
" crear cualquier destinos que existen don \'t y la actualidad que usted planea usar con sus destinos IVR. (Llamando colas, Grupos de llamadas, etc.). Li>"+
" Si usted descubre al crear un IVR que usted se olvidó de crear el destino (IVR, cola, etc.), don \'t preocupes. Usted puede guardarlo, vaya a crear el elemento que falta y volver a"+
"editarlo más tarde. ul>";
/**************** Reseller API - error result codes ***********************************/
language['langUS']['no_forwarding']="No forwardings were found";
language['langUS']['war_enter_numberto_verify']="Please enter a valid number";
language['langUS']['war_enter_codeto_verify']="Please enter a valid verification code before proceeding";
language['langUS']['war_unknow_error']="Unknown error, please try again later.";
language['langUS']['wait_seconds']="Please wait at least 60 seconds before trying the verification again.";
language['langUS']['war_cellerid_error'] = "The Caller ID must be a valid number";
language['langUS']['war_number_inuse'] = "The number provided is in use";
language['langUS']['war_invalid_number'] = "The number provided is invalid";
language['langUS']['account_with_dids']="The Account has DIDs assigned to it.";
language['langUS']['api_not_enabled']="API has not been enabled or has been disabled";
language['langUS']['cancel_failed']="Fax can not be canceled";
language['langUS']['did_in_use']="DID Number is already in use";
language['langUS']['duplicate_name']="The name is already in use";
language['langUS']['existing_did']="You can't set a callback to an existing DID number";
language['langUS']['forwards_exceeded']="Your account is limited to 4 forward entries";
language['langUS']['invalid_account']="This is not a valid account";
language['langUS']['invalid_agent_ring_timeout']="This is not a valid Agent ring time out value";
language['langUS']['invalid_allowedcodecs']="One of the codecs provided is invalid";
language['langUS']['invalid_announce_position_frequency']="This is not a valid Announce position frequency";
language['langUS']['invalid_announce_round_seconds']="This is not a valid Announce round seconds";
language['langUS']['invalid_attachmessage']="this is not a valid AttachMessage";
language['langUS']['invalid_authtype']="This is not a valid Auth Type";
language['langUS']['invalid_authtype_h323']="You must select IP Auth to use H.323";
language['langUS']['invalid_authtype_iax2']="You must use User/Password Authentication for IAX2";
language['langUS']['invalid_balancemanagement']="This is not a valid BalanceManagement";
language['langUS']['invalid_billingtype']="This is not a valid Billing Type";
language['langUS']['invalid_callback']="This is not a valid Callback";
language['langUS']['invalid_callback_enable']="This is not a valid Callback enable value";
language['langUS']['invalid_callback_retry']="This is not a valid Callback retry";
language['langUS']['invalid_callerid']="This is not a valid CallerID";
language['langUS']['invalid_calleridprefix']="This is not a valid CID Prefix, lenght should be less than 20 chars";
language['langUS']['invalid_callerid_override']="This is not a valid CallerID Override";
language['langUS']['invalid_canada_routing']="This is not a valid Canada Route";
language['langUS']['invalid_carrier']="This is not a valid Carrier";
language['langUS']['invalid_charge']="This is not a valid Charge";
language['langUS']['invalid_client']="This is not a valid Client";
language['langUS']['invalid_cnam']="This is not a valid CNAM";
language['langUS']['invalid_codec']="This is not a valid Codec";
language['langUS']['invalid_contact']="This is not a valid Contact Number";
language['langUS']['invalid_country']="This is not a valid country";
language['langUS']['invalid_countryid']="This is not a valid Country ID";
language['langUS']['invalid_credentials']="Username or Password is incorrect";
language['langUS']['invalid_date']="This is not a valid date";
language['langUS']['invalid_daterange']="Date Range should be 92 days or less";
language['langUS']['lbl_invalid_daterange']="Date Range should be 92 days or less";
language['langUS']['lbl_daterange']="Date Range";
language['langUS']['invalid_dayrange']="This is not a valid Day Range";
language['langUS']['invalid_delay_before']="This is not a valid DelayBefore";
language['langUS']['invalid_deletemessage']="This is not a valid DeleteMessage";
language['langUS']['invalid_description']="This is not a valid Description";
language['langUS']['invalid_devicetype']="This is not a valid Device Type";
language['langUS']['invalid_dialtime']="This is not a valid Dialtime";
language['langUS']['invalid_did']="This is not a valid DID";
language['langUS']['invalid_digits']="These are not valid Digits";
language['langUS']['invalid_digit_timeout']="This is not a valid DigitTimeOut";
language['langUS']['invalid_disa']="This is not a valid DISA";
language['langUS']['invalid_dst']="This is not a valid Destination Number";
language['langUS']['invalid_dtmf_digits']="This is not a valid DTMF digit";
language['langUS']['invalid_dtmfmode']="This is not a valid DTMF Mode";
language['langUS']['invalid_email']="This is not a valid email or email is already in database";
language['langUS']['duplicated_email']="There is one or more emails duplicated";
language['langUS']['invalid_amount_emails']="The email list can\'t have more than 10 addresses";
language['langUS']['invalid_email_attachment_format']="This is not a valid format value";
language['langUS']['invalid_email_enable']="This is not a valid email enable value";
language['langUS']['invalid_endhour']="This is not a valid End Hour";
language['langUS']['invalid_endminute']="This is not a valid End Minute";
language['langUS']['invalid_extension']="This is not a valid extension";
language['langUS']['invalid_failover_header']="This is not a valid failover header";
language['langUS']['invalid_file']="This is not a valid File";
language['langUS']['invalid_filter']="This is not a valid Filter";
language['langUS']['invalid_folder_id']="This is not a valid Folder ID";
language['langUS']['invalid_forward_enable']="This is not a valid forward enable value";
language['langUS']['invalid_forwarding']="This is not a valid forwarding";
language['langUS']['invalid_forwarding_did']="Forwarding to the same did is not allowed";
language['langUS']['invalid_frequency_announcement']="This is not a valid Frequency announce";
language['langUS']['invalid_id']="This is not a valid ID";
language['langUS']['invalid_if_announce_position_enabled_report_estimated_hold_time']="This is not a Report estimated hold time type";
language['langUS']['invalid_internaldialtime']="This is not a valid Internal Dialtime ";
language['langUS']['invalid_internalvoicemail']="This is not a valid Internal Voicemail";
language['langUS']['invalid_internationalroute']="This is not a valid International Route";
language['langUS']['invalid_ip']="This is an invalid IP";
language['langUS']['invalid_ip_auth']="Do not provide an IP address for User/Pass Authentication";
language['langUS']['invalid_ip_iax2']="Do not provide an IP address for IAX2";
language['langUS']['invalid_ivr']="This is not a valid IVR";
language['langUS']['invalid_join_empty_type']="This is not a valid 'JoinWhenEmpty' Type for a Queue";
language['langUS']['invalid_join_announcement']="This is not a valid 'Join Announcement' Type for a Queue";
language['langUS']['invalid_language']="This is not a valid Language";
language['langUS']['invalid_location']="This is not a valid Location";
language['langUS']['invalid_lockinternational']="This is not a valid Lock International";
language['langUS']['invalid_mailbox']="This is not a valid mailbox";
language['langUS']['invalid_maximum_callers']="This is not a valid maximum callers value";
language['langUS']['invalid_maximum_wait_time']="This is not a valid maximum wait time value";
language['langUS']['invalid_method']="This is not a valid Method";
language['langUS']['invalid_member']="This is not a valid Member";
language['langUS']['invalid_member_delay']="This is not a valid Member Delay";
language['langUS']['invalid_minute']="This is not a valid Minute Rate";
language['langUS']['invalid_monthly']="This is not a valid Montly Fee";
language['langUS']['invalid_musiconhold']="This is not a valid Music on Hold";
language['langUS']['invalid_name']="This is not a valid name, Alphanumeric Only";
language['langUS']['invalid_nat']="This is not a valid NAT";
language['langUS']['invalid_note']="This is not a valid Note, lenght should be less than 50 chars";
language['langUS']['invalid_number']="This is not a valid Number";
language['langUS']['invalid_package']="This is not a valid Package";
language['langUS']['invalid_password']="This is not a valid password- Voicemail: Must be 4 Digits
- SubAccounts: More than 6 chars, Must Contain Alphanumeric and !#$%&/()=?*[]_:.,{}+-
language['langUS']['invalid_password_auth']="Do not provide a Password for IP Authentication";
language['langUS']['invalid_password_lessthan_8characters_long']="This is not a valid password (Less than 8 characters long)";
language['langUS']['invalid_password_missing_uppercase']="This is not a valid password (Missing upper case character)";
language['langUS']['invalid_password_missing_lowercase']="This is not a valid password (Missing lower case character)";
language['langUS']['invalid_password_ilegal_characters']="This is not a valid password (Allowed characters: Alphanumeric and ! # $ % & / ( ) = ? * [ ] _ : . , { } + -)";
language['langUS']['invalid_password_missing_number']="This is not a valid password (Missing a number)";
language['langUS']['invalid_pause']="This is not a valid Pause";
language['langUS']['invalid_payment']="This is not a valid Payment";
language['langUS']['invalid_phonebook']="This is not a valid Phonebook";
language['langUS']['invalid_phonenumber']="This is not a valid Phone Number";
language['langUS']['invalid_pin']="This is not a valid PIN";
language['langUS']['invalid_playinstructions']="This is not a valid Play Instructions";
language['langUS']['invalid_play_instructions']="This is not a valid Play Instructions before beep";
language['langUS']['invalid_priority']="This is not a valid Priority";
language['langUS']['invalid_protocol']="This is not a valid Protocol";
language['langUS']['invalid_province']="This is not a valid Province";
language['langUS']['invalid_quantity']="This is not a valid quantity";
language['langUS']['invalid_query']="This is not a valid Query";
language['langUS']['invalid_queue']="This is not a valid Queue";
language['langUS']['invalid_recording']="This is not a valid recording";
language['langUS']['invalid_report_hold_time_agent']="This is not a valid Report hold time agent";
language['langUS']['invalid_resellerclient']="This is not a valid Reseller Client";
language['langUS']['invalid_resellernextbilling']="This is not a valid Reseller Next Billing date, date should not be set in the past.";
language['langUS']['invalid_resellerpackage']="This is not a valid Reseller Package";
language['langUS']['invalid_response_timeout']="This is not a valid ResponseTimeOut";
language['langUS']['invalid_retry_timer']="This is not a valid Retry timer";
language['langUS']['invalid_ringgroup']="This is not a valid Ring group";
language['langUS']['invalid_ring_inuse']="This is not a valid Ring in use value";
language['langUS']['invalid_route']="This is not a valid Route";
language['langUS']['invalid_routing_header']="This is not a valid Routing header";
language['langUS']['invalid_saycallerid']="This is not a valid SayCallerID";
language['langUS']['invalid_saytime']="This is not a valid SayTime";
language['langUS']['invalid_serverpop']="This is not a valid Server POP";
language['langUS']['invalid_setup']="This is not a valid Setup Fee";
language['langUS']['invalid_sipuri']="This is not a valid SIPURI";
language['langUS']['invalid_sms']="This is not a valid SMS";
language['langUS']['invalid_sms_forward']="This is not a valid SMS forward";
language['langUS']['invalid_skippassword']="This is not a valid skippassword";
language['langUS']['invalid_speed_dial']="This is not a valid Speed Dial";
language['langUS']['invalid_starthour']="This is not a valid Start Hour";
language['langUS']['invalid_startminute']="This is not a valid Start Minute";
language['langUS']['invalid_state']="This is not a valid State";
language['langUS']['invalid_strategy']="This is not a valid Ring Strategy";
language['langUS']['invalid_thankyou_for_your_patience']="This is not a valid Thankyou for your patience value";
language['langUS']['invalid_timecondition']="This is not a valid Time Condition";
language['langUS']['invalid_timeout']="This is not a valid timeout";
language['langUS']['invalid_timerange']="This is not a valid Timer Range";
language['langUS']['invalid_timezone']="This is not a valid Timezone- CDR and resellerCDR: Must be numeric
- Voicemail: Values from getTimezone
language['langUS']['invalid_time_zone']="This is not a valid Time zone";
language['langUS']['invalid_type']="This is not a valid Type";
language['langUS']['invalid_username']="This is not a valid Username";
language['langUS']['invalid_user']="User is not valid";
language['langUS']['invalid_voice_announcement']="This is not a valid Voice announce";
language['langUS']['invalid_voicemailsetup']="This is not a valid voicemail";
language['langUS']['invalid_wrapup_time']="This is not a valid Wrapup time";
language['langUS']['invalid_weekdayend']="This is not a valid Week End";
language['langUS']['invalid_weekdaystart']="This is not a valid Week Start";
language['langUS']['invalid_priority_weight']="This is not valid weight/priority value";
language['langUS']['ip_not_enabled']="This IP is not enabled for API use";
language['langUS']['limit_reached']="You have reached the maximum number of SMS messages allowed per day using the API (100 Messages)";
language['langUS']['max_phonebook']="Your account is limited to 8 SIP, IAX or SIP URI members";
language['langUS']['members_exceeded']="You have reached the maximum allowed entries for the Phonebook";
language['langUS']['members_exceeded_ringgroup']="You have reached the maximum allowed entries for the Ring Group";
language['langUS']['method_maintenance']="This API method is under maintenance";
language['langUS']['message_not_found']="Message not found";
language['langUS']['mismatch_email_confirm']="e-mail confirm does not match with e-mail";
language['langUS']['mismatch_password_confirm']="Pasword confirm does not match with Password";
language['langUS']['missing_account']="Account was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_address']="Address was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_agent_ring_timeout']="Agent ring time out was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_allowedcodecs']="Allowed Codecs were not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_attachmessage']="AttachMessage was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_authtype']="Auth Type was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_balancemanagement']="BalanceManagemente was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_billingtype']="Billing Type was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_callback']="Callback was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_callerid']="CallerID was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_carrier']="Carrier was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_charge']="Charge was not provided.";
language['langUS']['missing_choices']="Choices was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_city']="City was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_client']="Client was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_cnam']="CNAM was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_codec']="Codec was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_country']="Country was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_countryid']="Country ID was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_credentials']="Username or Password was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_delay_before']="DelayBefore was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_deletemessage']="DeleteMessage was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_description']="Description was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_devicetype']="Device Type was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_dialtime']="Dialtime was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_did']="DID was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_digits']="Digits were not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_digit_timeout']="DigitTimeOut was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_disa']="DISA was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_dtmfmode']="DTMF Mode was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_email']="e-mail was not provided";
language['langUS']['lbl_missing_email']="e-mail was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_email_confirm']="e-mail confirm was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_enable']="Enable was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_endhour']="End Hour was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_endminute']="End Minute was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_failover_busy']="Failover Busy was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_failover_noanswer']="Failover NoAnswer was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_failover_unreachable']="Failover Unreachable was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_file']="File was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_filter']="Filter was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_firstname']="Firstname was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_forwarding']="Forwarding was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_fullname']="Full Name was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_id']="ID was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_if_announce_position_enabled_report_estimated_hold_time']="'If announce position enabled report estimated hold time' type was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_internationalroute']="International Route was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_ip']="You need to provide an IP if you select IP Authentication Method";
language['langUS']['missing_ip_h323']="You must enter an IP Address for H.323";
language['langUS']['missing_ivr']="IVR was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_join_when_empty']="'JoinWhenEmpty' type was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_language']="Language was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_lastname']="Lastname was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_leave_when_empty']="'LeaveWhenEmpty' type was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_location']="Location was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_lockinternational']="Lock International was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_mailbox']="Mailbox was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_members']="You need at least 1 member to create a ring group";
language['langUS']['missing_member']="Member was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_method']="Method must be provided when using the REST/JSON API";
language['langUS']['missing_minute']="Minute Rate was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_monthly']="Monthly Fee was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_musiconhold']="Music on Hold was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_name']="Name was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_nat']="NAT was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_number']="Number was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_package']="Package was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_password']="Password was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_password_confirm']="Password Confirm was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_payment']="Payment was not provided.";
language['langUS']['missing_phonebook']="Phonebook was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_phonenumber']="Phone Number was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_pin']="PIN was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_playinstructions']="PlayInstructions was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_priority']="Priority was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_protocol']="Protocol was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_province']="Province was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_query']="Query was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_recording']="Recording was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_report_hold_time_agent']="Report hold time agent was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_resellerclient']="Provide a Reseller Client or don't provide a Reseller Package";
language['langUS']['missing_resellerpackage']="Provide a Reseller Package or don't provide a Reseller Client";
language['langUS']['missing_response_timeout']="ResponseTimeOut was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_ringgroup']="Ring group was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_ring_inuse']="Ring in use was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_ring_strategy']="Ring strategy was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_route']="Route was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_routing']="Routing was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_saycallerid']="SayCallerID was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_saytime']="SayTime was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_serverpop']="Server POP was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_setup']="Setup Fee was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_sipuri']="SIPURI was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_sms']="SMS was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_street_number']="Street number was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_skippassword']="SkipPassword was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_speed_dial']="Speed Dial was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_starthour']="Start Hour was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_startminute']="Start Minute was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_state']="State was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_thankyou_for_your_patience']="Thankyou for your patience was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_timecondition']="Time Condition was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_timeout']="Timeout was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_timezone']="Timezone was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_type']="Type was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_uri']="URI was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_username']="Username was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_voicemailsetup']="Voice mail setup was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_weekdayend']="Week End was not provide";
language['langUS']['missing_weekdaystart']=" Week Start was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_priority_weight']=" Priority/Weight was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_zip']="Zip Code was not provided";
language['langUS']['missing_zip_code']="Zip Code was not provided";
language['langUS']['moving_fail']="Moving fail";
language['langUS']['non_sufficient_funds']="Your account does not have sufficient funds to proceed";
language['langUS']['no_account']="There are no accounts";
language['langUS']['no_base64file']="File not encoded in base64";
language['langUS']['no_callback']="There are not Callbacks";
language['langUS']['no_callstatus']="No Call Status was provided";
language['langUS']['no_cdr']="There are no CDR entries for the filter";
language['langUS']['no_change_billingtype']="Imposible change DID billing plan";
language['langUS']['no_client']="There are no Clients";
language['langUS']['no_did']="There are no DIDs";
language['langUS']['no_disa']="There are no DISAs";
language['langUS']['no_filter']="There are no Filters";
language['langUS']['no_funds']="Your account doesn't have funds";
language['langUS']['no_ivr']="There are no ivr";
language['langUS']['no_mailbox']="There are no Mailboxes";
language['langUS']['no_member']="There are no Static Members";
language['langUS']['no_package']="there are no Packages";
language['langUS']['no_phonebook']="There are no Phonebook entries";
language['langUS']['no_queue']="There are no Queue entries";
language['langUS']['no_rate']="There are no Rates";
language['langUS']['no_recording']="There are no recordings";
language['langUS']['no_ringgroup']="There are no Ring groups";
language['langUS']['no_sipuri']="There are no SIP URI";
language['langUS']['no_sms']="There are no SIP URIs";
language['langUS']['no_timecondition']="There are no Time Conditions";
language['langUS']['problem_sending_mail'] = 'Problem Sending Mail';
language['langUS']['provider_outofservice']="One of our providers is out of service";
language['langUS']['recording_in_use_did']="You have a DID using this Recording";
language['langUS']['recording_in_use_queue']="You have a Calling Queue using this Recording";
language['langUS']['recording_in_use_ivr']="You have an IVR using this Recording";
language['langUS']['recording_in_use_caller_id_filtering']="You have a Caller ID Filtering using this Recording";
language['langUS']['recording_in_use_caller_timecondition']="You have a Time Condition using this Recording";
language['langUS']['repeated_ip']="You already have a Subaccount using this IP and Protocol";
language['langUS']['reserved_ip']="This is a reserved IP used by other Companies";
language['langUS']['same_did_billingtype']="The Billing Type provided and DID billing type are the same";
language['langUS']['sent_fail']="We can't send the fax message, please contact service provider";
language['langUS']['sipuri_in_phonebook']="This SIPURI can't be deleted, it is mapped in the phonebook";
language['langUS']['sms_toolong']="The SMS message exceeds 160 characters";
language['langUS']['sms_failed']="The SMS message was not sent";
language['langUS']['Unable_to_purchase']="Unable to purchase DIDs";
language['langUS']['unavailable_info']="The information you requested is unavailable at this moment";
language['langUS']['used_description']="You already have a record with this Description";
language['langUS']['used_extension']="You already have a subaccount using this extension";
language['langUS']['used_filter']="You already have a record with this Filter";
language['langUS']['used_ip']="There is already another customer using this IP Address";
language['langUS']['used_name']="You already have an entry using the name / account";
language['langUS']['used_number']="You already have a record with this Number";
language['langUS']['used_speed_dial']="You have an entry with this Speed Dial";
language['langUS']['used_username']="You already have a subaccount using this Username.";
language['langUS']['weak_password']="This Password is too weak or too common";
language['langUS']['lbl_invalid_user']="User is not valid";
language['langUS']['lbl_saveivr']="Save IVR";
language['langUS']['lbl_addroutingoptions']="Add other Routing option";
language['langUS']['WAR_ENTER_VALID_EMAIL']="Enter a valid email";
language['langUS']['WAR_ENTER_YOUR_PASSWORD']="Enter your password";
language['langUS']['LBL_LOADING_PRIVILEGES']="Loading account information";
language['langUS']['lbl_account_information']="Account information";
language['langUS']['lbl_play_audio']="Play Audio";
language['langUS']['WAR_USER_OR_PASSWORD_INCORRECT']="User or password are incorrect";
language['langUS']['WAR_PAGE_NOT_FOUND']="Page not found";
language['langUS']['lbl_define_search_criteria']="Please define search criteria.";
language['langUS']['lbl_numbertocall']="Number to call";
language['langUS']['lbl_delaybeforecallback']="Delay before callback";
language['langUS']['lbl_responsetimeout']="Response timeout";
language['langUS']['lbl_digittimeout']="Digit Timeout";
language['langUS']['lbl_calleridnumber']="Caller ID number";
language['langUS']['lbl_savecallbackchanges']="Save Callback Changes";
language['langUS']['lbl_savecallback']="Save Callback";
language['langUS']['lbl_callbacklist']="Callback List";
language['langUS']['lbl_callbacknew']="Add New Callback";
language['langUS']['lbl_callbackedit']="Edit Callback";
language['langUS']['lbl_timeout']="Time out";
language['langUS']['lbl_areyousurecallback']="Are you sure you want to delete the Callback";
language['langUS']['lbl_cannotbeundone']="This action can not be undone.";
language['langUS']['lbl_callbackinfo']="Here you can create callback entries.
When a DID is routed to a callback entry and a call is placed to it, the number will return a busy signal. The system will then callback the specified number and present the user with a dialtone.
Please note that the number to callback can be an international number as well but we do not guarantee that the DTMF tones will work properly.";
language['langUS']['lbl_forwardingtitle']="Call Forwarding";
language['langUS']['lbl_forwardingstitle']="Call Forwardings";
language['langUS']['lbl_forwardinglist']="Call Forwarding List";
language['langUS']['lbl_forwardingnew']="Add New Call Forwarding";
language['langUS']['lbl_forwardingedit']="Edit Call Forwarding";
language['langUS']['lbl_phonenumber']="Phone Number";
language['langUS']['lbl_saveforwardingchanges']="Save Call Forwarding Changes";
language['langUS']['lbl_saveforwarding']="Save Call Forwarding";
language['langUS']['lbl_areyousureforwarding']="Are you sure you want to delete the Call Forwarding";
language['langUS']['lbl_areyousureforwarding_login']="Please enter the email address you signed up with below, and instructions to reset your password will be sent.";
language['langUS']['lbl_forwardinginfo']="A Call Forwarding allows an incoming call to be redirected to a mobile telephone or other telephone number where the desired called party is able to answer.
Here you can create Call Forwarding entries. After creating a Call Forwarding entry, you can route a DID to it.
Please note that when you forward a call, normal inbound charges apply according to your DID plan and the normal termination rate is also applied for the destination number for the duration of the call.";
language['langUS']['lbl_disalist']="DISA list";
language['langUS']['lbl_disanew']="Add New DISA";
language['langUS']['lbl_disaedit']="Edit DISA";
language['langUS']['lbl_disasubtitle']="Direct Inward System Access";
language['langUS']['lbl_disainfo1']="Similar to the call-back, The DISA (Direct Inward System Access) let you dial numbers via your VOIP Account from Inbound Calls.
The main difference is that a DISA doesn't \"call you back\". It gives you directly the access to dial a phone number of your choice, similar to what a Calling Card service does. For example, you can create a DISA Entry, and configure one of your DID Number routing to point to a DISA. When you call, you will be prompted a PIN number and the telephone number you want to dial to. You can also use DISA from IVR's (Digital Receptionist), Time Conditions and CallerID Filtering.";
language['langUS']['lbl_disainfo2']="When accessing a DISA, you will first be prompted to dial the PIN. It consist of 4 digits.
Once you have dialed the 4 digits, the system will prompt you for the telephone number.
Dial the telephone number of your choice and then press the pound key (#) or simply wait for the duration of the \"Digit Time-out\", and the system will place the call.";
language['langUS']['lbl_areyousuredisa']="Are you sure you want to delete the DISA";
language['langUS']['lbl_disafourdigits']="(4 Digits)";
language['langUS']['lbl_savedisachanges']="Save DISA Changes";
language['langUS']['lbl_savedisa']="Save DISA";
language['langUS']['lbl_phonebooklist']="Phonebook List";
language['langUS']['lbl_phonebookentries']="Phonebook Entries";
language['langUS']['lbl_phonebooknew']="Add New Phonebook";
language['langUS']['lbl_phonebookedit']="Edit Phonebook";
language['langUS']['lbl_phonebooksavechanges']="Save Phonebook Changes";
language['langUS']['lbl_phonebooksave']="Save Phonebook";
language['langUS']['lbl_areyousurephonebook']="Are you sure you want to delete the Phonebook entry";
language['langUS']['lbl_selectfile']="Select file";
language['langUS']['lbl_recordingsavechanges']="Save Recording Changes";
language['langUS']['lbl_recordingsave']="Save Recording";
language['langUS']['lbl_testdialcode']="Test Dial Code*";
language['langUS']['lbl_noaudioelement']="Your browser does not implement the audio element";
language['langUS']['lbl_areyousurerecording']="Are you sure you want to delete the Recording";
language['langUS']['lbl_callrecordingtitle']="Call Recordings";
language['langUS']['lbl_recordinginfo']="Recordings can be used in Interactive Voice Responses (IVR) and Calling Queues. You can also have your DIDs configured to play a recording to the caller, or as a failover if you prefer that instead of voicemail. First you need to upload your recordings in the tab Add new recording. When done, create or edit your IVR and Queues and select the appropriate recording.
Test Dial Code: You can test the uploaded recording by dialing the corresponding test code.";
language['langUS']['lbl_recordingspecifications']="File Specifications";
language['langUS']['lbl_recordinglist']="Recordings List";
language['langUS']['lbl_callrecordinglist']="Call Recordings List";
language['langUS']['lbl_calltype']="Call Type";
language['langUS']['lbl_sendcallrecording']="Send Call Recording";
language['langUS']['lbl_callrecording']="Call Recording";
language['langUS']['lbl_callrecordings']="Call Recordings";
language['langUS']['lbl_sendmail']="Send Mail";
language['langUS']['lbl_donotsendmail']="Do not send mail";
language['langUS']['lbl_sentrecordingmessage']="Call Recording Mail Sent";
language['langUS']['lbl_youremovecallrecording']="You are about to delete this Call Recording.";
language['langUS']['lbl_actioncannotbeundone']="This action can not be undone.";
language['langUS']['lbl_wanttoproceed']="Do you want to proceed?";
language['langUS']['lbl_donotdeleterecording']="Do not delete Recording";
language['langUS']['lbl_deleterecording']="Delete Recording";
language['langUS']['lbl_deletedcallrecording']="Call Recording succesfully deleted";
language['langUS']['lbl_recordingnew']="Add New Recording";
language['langUS']['lbl_recordingnewa']="Add a New Recording";
language['langUS']['lbl_recordinginfo2']="Your file must be a Windows WAV sound file (extension .wav).
The format is PCM 8kHz 16 bits Mono.
The system will attempt to convert your .wav file to this format once the upload is done but result is not guaranteed if you didn't saved your file in the proper format.
Please note that when you upload a new recording, it can take up to 60 seconds for this recording to propagate to all VoIp servers and will not be playable until this process is done.";
language['langUS']['lbl_recordingnedit']="Edit Recording";
language['langUS']['lbl_sipuriinfo']="A SIP URI is the SIP addressing schema to call another person via SIP.
In other words, a SIP URI is a user's SIP phone number.
The SIP URI resembles an e-mail address and is written in the following format:
x@y:port (x=Username, y=host|domain|IP)
To make a SIP URI that can be used with multiple DIDs, use the {DID} tag.
The {DID} expression will be replaced automatically by the DID number.
Example: 1{DID}@Your_IP_address = 12143221234@";
language['langUS']['lbl_sipurilist']="SIP URI List";
language['langUS']['lbl_sipurinew']="Add New SIP URI";
language['langUS']['lbl_sipurinewa']="Add a new SIP URI";
language['langUS']['lbl_sipuriedit']="Edit SIP URI";
language['langUS']['lbl_sipurisavechanges']="Save SIP URI Changes";
language['langUS']['lbl_sipurisave']="Save SIP URI";
language['langUS']['lbl_areyousuresipuri']="Are you sure you want to delete the SIP URI";
language['langUS']['lbl_lbl_repeated_digits']="Repeated Digits";
language['langUS']['lbl_repeated_digits']="Repeated digits";
language['langUS']['repeated_digits']="Repeated Digits";
language['langUS']['lbl_voicemailtitle']="You can configure your DIDs to go to a specific Mailbox you have created here";
language['langUS']['lbl_voicemailtitle21']="You can configure your Ring Group to go to a specific Mailbox you have created here";
language['langUS']['lbl_voicemailcreate']="Create a Mailbox";
language['langUS']['lbl_voicemailgoto']="Go to \"Services > My Services\"";
language['langUS']['lbl_voicemailclick']="In \"Services > My Services\",click on your DID Number and change \"Voicemail\" to the appropriate Mailbox account.";
language['langUS']['lbl_voicemailaccesscode']="Voicemail Access Code";
language['langUS']['lbl_voicemailinfo1']="*97 to access directly the Mailbox associated to the account you are dialing from. (Will prompt for Password only)
*98 to access your Voicemail and choose one of your Mailbox accounts. (Will prompt for Mailbox ID and Password).";
language['langUS']['lbl_voicemailinfo2']="If you don't have access to our VoIP network and would like to check your Voicemail, you can simply dial your number. Once the Voicemail system answers your call, press the asterisk key (*).
When logged in to your voicemail, press 0 for options. You can record your greeting and temporary greeting from there. Please note that Voicemail system is not centralized. It is independant and per server.";
language['langUS']['lbl_voicemaillistv']="Voicemail List";
language['langUS']['lbl_voicemailnew']="Add new Voicemail";
language['langUS']['lbl_voicemailnewa']="Add a new Voicemail";
language['langUS']['lbl_voicemailedit']="Edit Voicemail";
language['langUS']['lbl_mailboxid']="Mailbox ID";
language['langUS']['lbl_emailtofax']="Email to Fax";
language['langUS']['lbl_email2faxinfo'] = "" +
"This feature allows you to send a Fax message using your email account.
" +
"How to send a Fax message using your email account:
" +
"" +
"- Use the email account you provided when enabling the Email to Fax service.
" +
"- Send the email to
" +
"- In the subject field type the Destination Fax Number (Example: 5552340000).
" +
"- Attach the document you wish to send to the email message.
We support the following formats: pdf, txt, jpg, gif, png, tif. " +
"- Send the email.
" +
" +
"Please note that only the attached document is sent in the Fax communication.
Security Code and From Number:" +
"" +
"- If Security Code is enabled, you need to add a dot (.) and the Security Code after the Destination Fax Number (Example: 5552340000.Az09).
" +
"- If you have more than one Fax number, you could change the From Number by adding a dot (.) and the From Number you'd like to use after the Destination Fax Number and the Security Code (Example: 5552340000.Az09.5557890000)
" +
"- If you have not enabled the Security Code and want to change the From Number, you can add a dot (.) and the From Number after the Destination Fax Number (Example: 5552340000.5557890000).
" +
language['langUS']['lbl_email2faxlist']="Default From Number";
language['langUS']['lbl_email2fax']="Email to Fax";
language['langUS']['lbl_email_adress_smsmms'] = "SMS/MMS Email Address";
language['langUS']['lbl_email1'] = "Email";
language['langUS']['lbl_skippasswordprompt']="Skip Password Prompt?";
language['langUS']['lbl_voicemailautomamtically']="Automatically delete from mailbox after emailing attachment";
language['langUS']['lbl_voicemailsaycallerid']="Say Caller ID";
language['langUS']['lbl_voicemailsaytimeenvelope']="Say time envelope";
language['langUS']['lbl_voicemailattachmessage']="Attach message to email";
language['langUS']['lbl_voicemailattachformat']="Email Attachment Format";
language['langUS']['lbl_voicemailplayinstructions']="Play instructions before beep";
language['langUS']['lbl_voicemailmenulanguage']="Voicemail Menu Language";
language['langUS']['lbl_voicemailsavechanges']="Save Voicemail Changes";
language['langUS']['lbl_voicemailsave']="Save Voicemail";
language['langUS']['lbl_areyousurevoicemail']="Are you sure you want to delete the voicemail";
language['langUS']['lbl_ringgrouptitle']="Ring Group";
language['langUS']['lbl_ringgroupstitle']="Ring Groups";
language['langUS']['lbl_ringgroupinfo']="A Ring Group allows an incoming call to be redirected to a designated group of extensions where a member of the group is able to answer.
When you receive a call to a DID routed to a Ring Group, all members of that group will ring at the same time untill one of them answers the call.
You can add various types of members to a ring group:
- Main Account
- Sub Accounts
- Forwardings
You can also select which voicemail should be used by the system in case none of the members answers the call.";
language['langUS']['lbl_ringgrouplist']="Ring Group List";
language['langUS']['lbl_ringgroupnew']="Add New Ring Group";
language['langUS']['lbl_ringgroupnewa']="Add a New Ring Group";
language['langUS']['lbl_ringgroupedit']="Edit Ring Group";
language['langUS']['lbl_ringgroupname']="Group Name";
language['langUS']['lbl_ringgroupcallerannouncement']="Caller Announcement";
language['langUS']['lbl_ringgroupmusiconhold']="Music On Hold";
language['langUS']['lbl_recordcalls']="Record Calls";
language['langUS']['lbl_press_1']="Press 1";
language['langUS']['lbl_ringgroupsavechanges']="Save Ring Group Changes";
language['langUS']['lbl_ringgroupsave']="Save Ring Group";
language['langUS']['lbl_ringgrouptime']="Ring Time";
language['langUS']['lbl_areyousureringgroup']="Are you sure you want to delete the Ring Group";
language['langUS']['lbl_disanewa']="Add a New DISA";
language['langUS']['lbl_voicemaildontaccess']="If you don't have access to our VoIP network";
language['langUS']['lbl_phonebookinfo']="If any incoming calls to one of your numbers matches a phone number in the phonebook, the Caller-ID name of the incoming calls will be set to the entry on the phonebook.
For example, if you have a phonebook entry with the number
associated to the name
\"John Smith\",
when you receive a call from
, the CallerID name will be displayed as
\"John Smith\".";
language['langUS']['lbl_dtmfdigits']="DTMF Digits";
language['langUS']['lbl_infocreate_ivr']="Create IVR Information";
language['langUS']['lbl_tipsivrcontentcreate']="When creating a menu option, apart from the standard options of 0-9 and *, you can also use 'i' and 't' destinations. 'i' is"+
"used when the caller pushes an invalid button, and 't' is used when there is no response. If those options aren't supplied, the default 't' is to replay the menu three times"+" and then hang up, and the default 'i' is to say 'Invalid option, please try again' and replay the menu. After three invalid attempts, the line is hung up."+
" Please note that the # Digit is used to confirm user's choice by bypassing the Digit Time out option and can not be used a choice.";
language['langUS']['lbl_youremovedid']="You are about to remove the";
language['langUS']['lbl_youremovedid2']="from your account permanently";
language['langUS']['lbl_cannotbereversed']="Warning: This operation can not be reversed";
language['langUS']['lbl_faxfilenotfound']="Fax file was not found";
language['langUS']['lbl_fax_number'] = "Fax Number";
language['langUS']['lbl_fax_sent']="Fax Message Sent";
language['langUS']['lbl_faxdetails']="Fax Details";
language['langUS']['lbl_faxinfo']="The Virtual Fax feature is used for sending and receiving a Fax (facsimile) with our service using a DID number specifically dedicated to Faxing. ";
language['langUS']['lbl_fax_number_contact']="Fax Number or Contact Name";
language['langUS']['lbl_fax_destionation_label']="Contact number or destination Fax number.
You can start typing either a name or a number from your phonebook and it will show as a selectable option.";
language['langUS']['lbl_fax_number_message']="Select one of your Fax Numbers to send the FAX message.";
language['langUS']['lbl_donotremove']="Do not remove";
language['langUS']['lbl_donotremovefolder']="Do not remove Folder";
// FAX traductions
language['langUS']['lbl_sendfaxinfo']="In this section you can input the contact number you are sending your Fax to (this also works with your Phone Book entries).You can also configure the Name and Station ID for the header of your Fax message, choose the number you are sending from,configure an email to receive status updates and attach the file you want to Fax.";
language['langUS']['lbl_areacode']="Area Code";
language['langUS']['lbl_order_did_confirmation'] = "Order DID Confirmation";
language['langUS']['lbl_order_id_now_completed'] = "Your order is now complete";
language['langUS']['lbl_available_did_for'] = "Available DIDs for";
language['langUS']['lbl_available_recording'] = "Available Recordings";
language['langUS']['lbl_carrierorder']="Carrier Order";
language['langUS']['lbl_myfaxes']="My faxes";
language['langUS']['lbl_myfaxeslist']="My Faxes List";
language['langUS']['lbl_myfaxesinfo']="Here are your Inbound and Outbound Faxes. You may select a date range and choose the folder you would like to view. Click 'Search' to view your selection.You can view the Status of each Fax and select from several Actions. You can select to View the Fax directly, Download the Fax, Email the Fax to an address of your choosing or alter the location of the Fax by moving it to another folder.";
language['langUS']['lbl_myfolders']="My Folders";
language['langUS']['lbl_myfaxnumbers']="My Fax Numbers";
language['langUS']['lbl_sendafax']="Send a Fax";
language['langUS']['lbl_deletedemail2fax']="Email to Fax Deleted";
language['langUS']['lbl_defaultfromnumber']="Email to Fax list";
language['langUS']['lbl_saveemail2fax']="Save Email to Fax";
language['langUS']['lbl_addemail2fax']="Add Email to Fax";
language['langUS']['lbl_editemail2fax']="Edit Email to Fax";
language['langUS']['lbl_donotdeleteemail2fax']="Do not delete Email to Fax";
language['langUS']['lbl_deleteemail2fax']="Delete Email to Fax";
language['langUS']['lbl_youremoveemail2fax']="You are about to remove the email from your account permanently. ";
language['langUS']['lbl_stationid']="Station ID";
language['langUS']['lbl_youremovemyfax']="You are about to remove this fax";
language['langUS']['lbl_donotdeletefax']="Do not delete Fax";
language['langUS']['lbl_deletefax']="Delete Fax";
language['langUS']['lbl_deletedfaxmessage']="Fax Message Deleted";
language['langUS']['lbl_donotcancelfax']="Do not cancel Fax";
language['langUS']['lbl_cancelfax']="Cancel Fax";
language['langUS']['lbl_canceledfaxmessage']="Fax Message Canceled";
language['langUS']['lbl_donotsendfaxtoemail']="Do not send Fax to Email";
language['langUS']['lbl_sendfaxtoemail']="Send Fax to Email";
language['langUS']['lbl_sentfaxmessage']="Fax Message Sent";
language['langUS']['lbl_movedfaxmessage']="Fax Message Moved";
language['langUS']['lbl_movefaxtofolder']="Move Fax to Folder";
language['langUS']['lbl_donotmovefaxtofolder']="Do not move Fax to Folder";
language['langUS']['lbl_totalfaxes']="Total Faxes";
language['langUS']['lbl_twofailedattempsfax']="We have attempted to send your Fax Message 2 times and every attempt has failed so far.
We will make another attempt at sending your Fax Message in 1 hour.";
language['langUS']['lbl_pending']="E911 validation is now pending, please wait until validation finishes";
language['langUS']['lbl_could_not_geocode']="Could not geocode this civic address. Please check the validity of your address.";
language['langUS']['lbl_go_back']="Go Back";
language['langUS']['lbl_e911_canceled']="E911 Canceled";
language['langUS']['lbl_info_submitted'] = "e911 Information that will be submitted";
language['langUS']['lbl_e911_refer_terms'] = "Please refer to the e911 Emergency Services section in our Terms & Conditions for important information on potential limitations of our e911 Emergency Services.";
language['langUS']['lbl_submit_address_manually']="If you're sure the address you provided is correct and our system won't validate, click the following button and we'll submit the address manually to the system.";
language['langUS']['lbl_e911_could_not_validate']="The address you have entered could not be validated.";
language['langUS']['lbl_e911_please_select_alternatives']="Please select from the alternatives below by clicking on the check icons to automatically replace a field in the validation form and validate again.";
language['langUS']['lbl_alternative_addresses']="Alternative Addresses";
language['langUS']['lbl_validation_succesful']="Validation Succesful";
language['langUS']['lbl_address_passes_validation']="The address you have entered passes E911 validation. Click the button below to submit your information.";
language['langUS']['lbl_enable_manually']="Enable Manually";
language['langUS']['lbl_please_correct']="Please correct the following";
language['langUS']['lbl_enhanced_911']="Enhanced 911";
language['langUS']['lbl_e911_information']="Enhanced 911 Information";
language['langUS']['lbl_rate_center']="Rate Center";
language['langUS']['lbl_e911_status']="e911 Status";
language['langUS']['lbl_enable_manually_activated']="Enable manually activated";
language['langUS']['lbl_e911_enabled']="E911 is now enabled";
language['langUS']['lbl_i_agree_terms']="I agree to the Terms and Conditions";
language['langUS']['lbl_e911_terms_title']="911/e911 Emergency Service: Terms of Service";
language['langUS']['lbl_e911_info'] = "Traditionally, dialing 911 anywhere within the United "
+ "States and Canada from a business or residential landline routes your call to "
+ "a local Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) dispatcher who is trained to aid "
+ "you in emergency situations by dispatching emergency medical, fire and law "
+ "enforcement agencies to your location. The dispatcher is instantly provided "
+ "with your physical address information."
+ "
+ "VoIP 911 Service differs from traditional 911 services due to limitations "
+ "brought on by VoIP technology. It is nearly impossible to detect where a call "
+ "originates from when placed over the internet. e911 allows users to associate "
+ "physical addresses with their DIDs, allowing them to have service similar to "
+ "traditional 911."
+ "
+ "When an emergency (911) call is placed over our VoIP network, the physical "
+ "address you will enter at the time of e911 registration for a specific DID will "
+ "be passed along to your local PSAP providing the dispatcher with the exact "
+ "location help is required."
+ "
+ "Use of our 911 Service costs a recovery setup fee of $ on "
+ "activation and a regulatory recovery fee of $ per DID number "
+ "activated per month. We do not make a cent on this charge, it is simply what we "
+ "must pay to provide you with this service."
+ "
+ "You are not required to enable this feature. However, you will not be able to dial "
+ "911 from your account unless you have activated this service.";
+ "The Company: our contractors, agents, employees, associates, shareholders, partners and anyone working with or for us and our subsidiaries.
+ "Customer - You, the person or entity, and its contractors, agents, employees, associates, shareholders, partners, or associates using our VoIP service.
+ "911 - Emergency call service typically used for delivering emergency calls to a public safety access point.
+ "PSAP: Public Safety Answering Point, VoIP: Voice over IP
+ "
Terms & Conditions
+ "Due to recent pursuant FCC rulings and regulations, all customers who are using VoIP services as their primary residential or business telephone carrier must activate 911 Emergency Services on at least one of their DIDs.
+ "Enhanced 911, the portion of our 911 service which delivers physical address information to your local PSAP is not guaranteed. It is possible that your physical address information may not be passed to the PSAP dispatcher. On occasions such as this you will be required to give the dispatcher the location of your emergency in order to receive emergency service assistance.
+ "Due to the nature and instability of VoIP networks, we cannot and do not guarantee your emergency call will go through. Loss of power, Internet access and or several other conditions may cause 911 to be inoperable. We have no control over those types of situations therefore are not held liable. The company will do everything within their power to prevent service outages within its network.
+ "In order for e911 address information to be passed to your local PSAP dispatcher, you must set your outbound caller ID value to the specific DID you are purchasing e911 service for. Therefore, by agreeing to these Terms & Conditions you the customer agree to set the outbound Caller ID number to the DID you have enabled e911 services for when making an outbound 911 emergency call.
+ "We have added an extension to our network which all users may call to test their Caller ID value. At any time, you may test your outbound caller ID value by dialing '1-555-555-0911' through our network.
+ "By using VoIP Enhanced 911 service, the customer agrees that the Company, its contractors, executives, members, customers, agents, employees, carriers, 911 providers, and any anyone else associated with the Company is not "
+ "held liable for emergency calls failing, even if it is determined that it is the fault of the Company or its associates. Customer further agrees that they will notify their customers, contractors, agents, employees, associates, shareholders, partners, and anyone who may use the VoIP 911 service of our limitations and make customers agree to not hold the company or customer liable.
+ "Customer will be charged a recovery setup fee of $ and a regulatory recovery fee of $ per month for each DID submitted to the e911 database. This fee is not refundable.
+ "We reserve the right to make changes to our site, services, policies and these Terms & Conditions at any time.
+ "By clicking the link labeled 'I Agree to the Terms and Conditions' below, you affirmatively agree to the previously stated Terms & Conditions of our 911/e911 service.
language['langUS']['lbl_e911_provisioning_info'] = "VoIP 911 Service differs from traditional 911 services due to limitations brought on by VoIP technology. It is nearly impossible to detect where a call originates from when placed over the internet. e911 allows users to associate physical addresses with their DIDs, allowing them to have service similar to traditional 911.
+ "When an emergency (911) call is placed over our VoIP network, the physical address you will enter at the time of e911 registration for a specific DID will be passed along to your local PSAP providing the dispatcher with the exact location help is required.
+ "In order for e911 address information to be passed to your local PSAP dispatcher, you must set your outbound caller ID value to the specific DID you are purchasing e911 service for and provide your full address information in the form below.
+ "e911: Enhanced 911 Emergency Call Service
+ "PSAP: Public Safety Answering Point";
language['langUS']['lbl_sumary_last_30'] = "Summary in the last 30 days";
language['langUS']['lbl_amount_spent_30'] = "Amount Spent in the last 30 days";
language['langUS']['lbl_time_in_30'] = "Time in the last 30 days";
language['langUS']['lbl_cdr_reports'] = "CDR Reports";
language['langUS']['lbl_graphical_usage_reports'] = "Graphical Usage Reports";
language['langUS']['lbl_top_10_dest_by_calls'] = "Top 10 Destinations by calls";
language['langUS']['lbl_top_10_dest_by_minutes'] = "Top 10 destinations by minutes";
language['langUS']['lbl_daily_spending'] = "Daily Spending";
language['langUS']['lbl_calls_and_minutes'] = "Calls and Minutes";
language['langUS']['lbl_daily_callstatus'] = "Daily Call Status";
language['langUS']['lbl_user_pass_auth'] = "User/Password Authentication (Recommended)";
language['langUS']['lbl_statis_ip_auth'] = "Static IP Authentication (SIP only) (Advanced Users)";
language['langUS']['lbl_asterisk_gateway'] = "Asterisk, IP PBX, Gateway or VoIP Switch";
language['langUS']['lbl_ata_ip_phone'] = "ATA device, IP Phone or Softphone";
language['langUS']['lbl_the_number_must_7'] = "The number must have at least 7 digits.";
language['langUS']['lbl_the_number_must_15'] = "The number must have a maximun of 15 digits.";
language['langUS']['lbl_isnot_valid_npan'] = "Is not a valid NPANXXXXXX number";
language['langUS']['lbl_thefirst_digit_must'] = "The first digit must be between 2 and 9";
language['langUS']['lbl_thesecond_digit_must'] = "The second and third digit must be between 0 and 9";
language['langUS']['lbl_thefourt_digit_must'] = "The fourth digit must be between 2 and 9";
language['langUS']['lbl_last_digit_must'] = "The last six digits must be between 0 and 9";
language['langUS']['lbl_callerid_not_be_able'] = "This CallerID will not be able to dial to USA and Canada";
language['langUS']['lbl_option_yes'] = "Yes";
language['langUS']['lbl_option_no'] = "No";
language['langUS']['lbl_option_route'] = "route";
language['langUS']['lbl_option_never'] = "never";
language['langUS']['lbl_option_voicemail'] = "Voice Mail";
language['langUS']['lbl_option_none'] = "none";
language['langUS']['lbl_dial_timeout_seconds'] = "Dial Time Out in seconds";
language['langUS']['lbl_callerId_name_prefix'] = "Caller ID Name Prefix (Optional)";
language['langUS']['lbl_message_service_smsmms'] = "Message Service (SMS/MMS)";
language['langUS']['lbl_enable_sms_mms'] = "Enable SMS/MMS";
language['langUS']['lbl_adress'] = "Address";
language['langUS']['lbl_smsmms_foward'] = "SMS/MMS Foward";
language['langUS']['lbl_sms_sipaccount'] = "SMS SIP Account";
language['langUS']['lbl_sms_url_callback'] = "SMS URL Callback";
language['langUS']['lbl_url_callback'] = "URL Callback";
language['langUS']['lbl_url_callback_retry'] = "URL Callback Retry";
language['langUS']['lbl_enable_url_callback'] = "Enable URL Callback Retry";
language['langUS']['lbl_pop'] = "POP";
language['langUS']['lbl_pop_server']="Pop Server";
language['langUS']['lbl_sipiax'] = "SIP/IAX";
language['langUS']['lbl_ivr'] = "IVR";
language['langUS']['lbl_ivr_registered']="No IVR Registered";
language['langUS']['lbl_create_callfowarding'] = "Create a Call Forwarding";
language['langUS']['lbl_create_timecondition'] = "Create a Time condition";
language['langUS']['lbl_create_aqueue'] = "Create a Queue";
language['langUS']['lbl_create_ivr'] = "Create a IVR";
language['langUS']['lbl_create_ringgroup'] = "Create Ring Group";
language['langUS']['lbl_play_recording'] = "Play Recording";
language['langUS']['lbl_play_recording_before']="Play Recording Before Hunting";
language['langUS']['lbl_create_recording'] = "Create Recording";
language['langUS']['lbl_create_disa'] = "Create DISA";
language['langUS']['lbl_create_voicemail'] = "Create Voicemail";
language['langUS']['lbl_create_callback'] = "Create Callback";
language['langUS']['lbl_hangup'] = "Hangup";
language['langUS']['lbl_system_recording_notinservice'] = "System Recording: Number not in service";
language['langUS']['lbl_system_recording_disconected'] = "System Recording: Number has been disconnected";
language['langUS']['lbl_system_dtmf_test'] = "DTMF Test";
language['langUS']['lbl_system_echo_test'] = "ECHO Test";
language['langUS']['lbl_system'] = "System";
language['langUS']['lbl_filter_pop_servers'] = "Filter POP Servers";
language['langUS']['lbl_spent_total'] = "Spent Total";
language['langUS']['lbl_calls_total'] = "Calls Total";
language['langUS']['lbl_time_total'] = "Time Total";
language['langUS']['lbl_idkey'] = "Id";
language['langUS']['lbl_deposit_not_found'] = "Deposits were not found";
language['langUS']['lbl_results_not_found'] = "No results were found";
language['langUS']['lbl_call_billings'] = "Call Billings";
language['langUS']['lbl_paiment_received'] = "Your payment has been received.";
language['langUS']['lbl_thank_you'] = "Thank you";
language['langUS']['lbl_return_balance'] = "Return tu balance";
language['langUS']['lbl_amount_deposited'] = "Amount deposited";
language['langUS']['lbl_accounts_details'] = "Accounts Details";
language['langUS']['lbl_caller_idoverride'] = "Caller ID Override";
language['langUS']['lbl_did_asociated'] = "DID Associated";
language['langUS']['lbl_click_ondid_routing'] = "click on did to edit routing";
language['langUS']['lbl_check_aviability'] = "Check availability and order American DID numbers in one of those countries";
language['langUS']['lbl_united_states'] = "United States";
language['langUS']['lbl_canada'] = "Canada";
language['langUS']['lbl_localnumber_usa'] = "Local Numbers in United States";
language['langUS']['lbl_browse_did_state'] = "Browse DID´s by State";
language['langUS']['lbl_browse_did_criteria'] = "Browse DID´s by Search Criteria";
language['langUS']['lbl_select_state'] = "Select State";
language['langUS']['lbl_contains'] = "CONTAINS";
language['langUS']['lbl_stars_with'] = "STARTS WITH";
language['langUS']['lbl_ends_with'] = "ENDS WITH";
language['langUS']['lbl_all_states'] = "ALL STATES";
language['langUS']['lbl_call_detail'] = "Call Detail";
language['langUS']['lbl_select_province'] = "Select Province";
language['langUS']['lbl_define_criteria'] = "Define criteria";
language['langUS']['lbl_all_provinces'] = "ALL PROVINCES";
language['langUS']['lbl_info_text_input_segment'] = "Text input with segmented button dropdown";
language['langUS']['lbl_did_order_confirmation'] = "DID Order Confirmation";
language['langUS']['lbl_did_number'] = "Did Number";
language['langUS']['lbl_did_numbers'] = "Did Numbers";
language['langUS']['lbl_setup_fee'] = "Setup Fee";
language['langUS']['lbl_listed_numbers_procesed'] = "Listed numbers are processed in real time and effective immediatly after your order.";
language['langUS']['lbl_clicking_on_confirm'] = "By clicking on Confirm order, your account will be debited";
language['langUS']['lbl_usd_and_numbers'] = "USD and the number(s) will be effective immediatly.";
language['langUS']['lbl_insuficent_funds'] = "Can't order DID numbers. Insufficient funds";
language['langUS']['lbl_confirm_order'] = "Confirm order";
language['langUS']['lbl_go_to_myservices'] = "Go to my services";
language['langUS']['lbl_did_rates'] = "DID Rates";
language['langUS']['lbl_one_time_setup'] = "One time Setup Fee";
language['langUS']['lbl_per_minute_inbound'] = "Per minute inbound";
language['langUS']['lbl_billing_increment'] = "Billing increment";
language['langUS']['lbl_sec'] = "sec";
language['langUS']['lbl_seconds'] = "seconds";
language['langUS']['lbl_second'] = "second";
language['langUS']['lbl_section_send_fax']="In this section you can input the contact number you are sending your Fax to (this also works with your Phone Book entries)."+
"You can also configure the Name and Station ID for the header of your Fax message, choose the number you are sending from,"+
"configure an email to receive status updates and attach the file you want to Fax.";
language['langUS']['lbl_important'] = "Important";
language['langUS']['lbl_edit_did'] = "Edit DID";
language['langUS']['lbl_aditional_failover_options'] = "Additional Failover Options";
language['langUS']['lbl_routing_destination_bussy'] = "Routing if Destination Busy";
language['langUS']['lbl_routing_destination_unreachable'] = "Routing if Destination Unreachable";
language['langUS']['lbl_routing_destination_noanswer'] = "Routing if Destination No Answer";
language['langUS']['lbl_did_pop'] = "DID POP";
language['langUS']['lbl_caller_id_lookup'] = "Caller ID Name Lookup";
language['langUS']['lbl_shor_message_service'] = "Short Message Service (SMS)";
language['langUS']['lbl_phone_number_has'] = "This phone number has SMS capability. This means the number can receive SMS text messages as well as sending them. Please activate one or more options for the SMS delivery. This feature will remain free until July 2014 (the price will be 1 cent per message). Please note that this feature is for regular customer usage. No automation, telemarketing, bulk sending or receiving will be allowed.";
language['langUS']['lbl_phone_number_hassms'] = "This phone number has SMS capability. This means the number can receive SMS text messages as well as sending them. Please activate one or more options for the SMS delivery. This feature will remain free until July 2014 (the price will be 1 cent per message). Please note that this feature is for regular customer usage. No automation, telemarketing, bulk sending or receiving will be allowed. ";
language['langUS']['lbl_enable_sms'] = "Enable SMS (Free until 2014)";
language['langUS']['lbl_sms_email_adddress'] = "SMS Email Address";
language['langUS']['lbl_sms_foward'] = "SMS Forward";
language['langUS']['lbl_click_to_apply'] = "Click here to apply changes";
language['langUS']['lbl_dids_for'] = "DIDs for";
language['langUS']['lbl_montly_fee'] = "Montly Fee";
language['langUS']['lbl_select_options'] = "Select options";
language['langUS']['lbl_select_options_changed'] = "Select options (Can be changed at anytime)";
language['langUS']['lbl_caller_name_lookup'] = "CallerID Name Lookup";
language['langUS']['lbl_yes_cent_per_query'] = "Yes, 00.8 cent per query (8/10 of a cent)";
language['langUS']['lbl_no_thanks'] = "No thanks";
language['langUS']['lbl_call_hunting'] = "Call Hunting";
language['langUS']['lbl_custom_muoh'] = "Custom Music On Hold";
language['langUS']['lbl_sequences'] = "Sequences";
language['langUS']['lbl_sms_messages'] = "SMS/MMS Messages";
language['langUS']['lbl_internationa_did_availability'] = "International DIDs Availability";
language['langUS']['lbl_select_country'] = "Select a Country";
language['langUS']['lbl_has_been_added_to_your_account'] = "has been added to your account";
language['langUS']['lbl_cant_order_insuficent_funds'] = "Can\'t order DID numbers. Insufficient funds";
language['langUS']['lbl_select_number_for'] = "Select your number(s) for";
language['langUS']['lbl_select_account_to_asociate_did'] = "Select Account to Associate DID Number.";
language['langUS']['lbl_please_review_the_fees_and'] = "Please review the fees and per minute rate that will apply to your number(s)";
language['langUS']['lbl_per_minute_plan'] = "Per minute plan";
language['langUS']['lbl_monthly_flat_rate'] = "Monthly flat rate plan";
language['langUS']['lbl_free_unlimited'] = "Free / unlimited";
language['langUS']['lbl_channels'] = "Channels";
language['langUS']['lbl_unlimited'] = "Unlimited";
language['langUS']['lbl_ring_group'] = "Ring Group";
language['langUS']['lbl_listo_numbers'] = "Listed numbers";
language['langUS']['lbl_are_processed'] = "are processed in real time and effective immediatly after your order";
language['langUS']['lbl_we_do_not_currently'] = "we do not currently have any DIDs for that ratecenter in our pool. However it can be ordered directly with our carriers. If carrier has the rate center in stock, your number will be provisioned within 1 business day. If the DID is backorder, orders usually take 2-5 business days, but may take up to 30 business days to be completed depending on the ratecenter. ";
language['langUS']['lbl_dids_aviable_for'] = "DIDs available for";
language['langUS']['lbl_ratecenter'] = "Ratecenter";
language['langUS']['lbl_province'] = "Province";
language['langUS']['lbl_residential_comercial_use'] = "(Residential or Commercial use)";
language['langUS']['lbl_residential_comercial_use_intended'] = "(Intended for residential use)";
language['langUS']['lbl_per_month'] = "per Month";
language['langUS']['lbl_per_mminute'] = "per minute";
language['langUS']['lbl_aviable_ratecenter_for'] = "Available Ratecenters for";
language['langUS']['lbl_view_numbers'] = "View Numbers";
language['langUS']['lbl_local_numbers_canada'] = "Local Numbers Canada";
language['langUS']['lbl_browse_dids_by_province'] = "Browse DID´s by Province";
language['langUS']['lbl_browse_dids_by_criteria'] = "Browse DID´s by Search Criteria";
language['langUS']['lbl_by_province'] = "By Province";
language['langUS']['lbl_pricing_information_for'] = "Pricing information for";
language['langUS']['lbl_inbound_calls'] = "Inbound Calls";
language['langUS']['lbl_unlimited_inbound_Calls'] = "Unlimited inbound calls";
language['langUS']['lbl_in_stock'] = "In Stock";
language['langUS']['lbl_state'] = "State";
language['langUS']['lbl_state_province']="State / Province";
language['langUS']['lbl_prefix'] = "Prefix";
language['langUS']['lbl_increment'] = "Increment";
language['langUS']['lbl_rate_minute'] = "Rate/Minute";
language['langUS']['lbl_charges_where_not_found'] = "Charges were not found";
language['langUS']['lbl_cant_order_fax'] = "Can't order Fax numbers. Insufficient funds";
language['langUS']['lbl_go_to_myfaxes'] = "Go to my faxes";
language['langUS']['lbl_write_note_for_filter'] = "Write a note for this filter";
language['langUS']['lbl_anonymus_caller_idnumber'] = "Anonymous Caller ID number";
language['langUS']['lbl_acaller_id_not_maching'] = "CallerID not matching the North American NPANXXXXXX format (Could block International Calls)";
language['langUS']['lbl_specific_caller_id_number'] = "Specific Caller ID Number / Specify";
language['langUS']['lbl_select_caller_id_number'] = "Select DID to apply Filter";
language['langUS']['lbl_select_rounting'] = "Select Routing";
language['langUS']['lbl_select_rounting_matches']="Please Select one routing if the condition matches";
language['langUS']['lbl_select_rounting_dont_matches']="please Select one routing if the condition doesn't match";
language['langUS']['lbl_novoicemails_found'] = "No Voicemails were found";
language['langUS']['lbl_add_voicemail'] = "Add Voicemail";
language['langUS']['lbl_dids_instruction'] = "You can configure your DIDs to go to a specific Mailbox you have created here. First create a Mailbox, then go to \"Services > My Services\", click on your DID Number and change \"Voicemail\" to the appropriate Mailbox account.";
language['langUS']['lbl_dids_instruction2'] = "If you don't have access to our VoIP network and would like to check your Voicemail, you can simply dial your number. Once the Voicemail system answers your call, press the asterisk key (*). When logged in to your voicemail, press 0 for options. You can record your greeting and temporary greeting from there. Please note that Voicemail system is not centralized. It is independant and per server. For example, if your DID is currently on POP losangeles (Los Angeles) and you dial *98 on newyork (New York), you will not access the same Mailbox. The same issue can occur if you change the POP (server) of your DID to another server.";
language['langUS']['lbl_dids_instruction3'] = "*98 to access your Voicemail and choose one of your Mailbox accounts. (Will prompt for Mailbox ID and Password)";
language['langUS']['lbl_play_instruccions'] = "Play Instructions:";
language['langUS']['lbl_wav49'] = "wav49 - Recommended, very small file size";
language['langUS']['lbl_wav_uncompressed'] = "wav - Uncompressed wav format, bigger file size";
language['langUS']['lbl_attach_message'] = "Attach Message";
language['langUS']['lbl_skip_message'] = "Skip Password";
language['langUS']['lbl_say_language'] = "Say Time";
language['langUS']['lbl_min1_max5'] = "(min 1 max 5)";
language['langUS']['lbl_name_time_condition'] = "Name of time condition";
language['langUS']['lbl_max15_char'] = "(Max 15 characters)";
language['langUS']['lbl_save_time_condition'] = "Save Time Condition";
language['langUS']['lbl_save_fowarding']="Save Forwarding";
language['langUS']['lbl_return'] = "Return";
language['langUS']['lbl_route_did_numbers'] = "You can route your DID numbers to \"Time Conditions\". Once you have created a Time Condition, you can go to \"Services > My Services\", click on your DID Number and change the routing to the time condition of your choice.";
language['langUS']['lbl_all_servers_standar'] = "All servers are set to Eastern Standard Time (EST), regardless of their geographic location. Compare your current time with server time to make proper adjustments in your time conditions. Our servers follow standard daylight saving time changes of the United States of America and Canada.";
language['langUS']['lbl_timecondition_detail'] = "Time Condition Details";
language['langUS']['lbl_configure_criteria'] = "Configure at least one criteria (Time and/or days). Hour 00 = midnight. Hour 12 = midday. ** = Any.";
language['langUS']['lbl_time_from'] = "Time is from";
language['langUS']['lbl_day_from'] = "and Day is from";
language['langUS']['lbl_destination_conditions_maches'] = "Destination if one of the conditions matches server time";
language['langUS']['lbl_destination_conditions_nomaches'] = "Destination if no conditions matches server time";
language['langUS']['lbl_day_monday'] = "Monday";
language['langUS']['lbl_day_tuesday'] = "Tuesday";
language['langUS']['lbl_day_wenesday'] = "Wednesday";
language['langUS']['lbl_day_thursday'] = "Thursday";
language['langUS']['lbl_day_friday'] = "Friday";
language['langUS']['lbl_day_saturday'] = "Saturday";
language['langUS']['lbl_day_sunday'] = "Sunday";
language['langUS']['lbl_day_any'] = "Any";
language['langUS']['lbl_can_extra_criterias'] = "You can add extra criterias to this condition by using the following entries";
language['langUS']['lbl_effective_inmediatly'] = "are processed in real time and effective immediatly after your order.";
language['langUS']['lbl_ring_test'] = "Ring Test";
language['langUS']['lbl_no_callerid_found'] = "No CallerID were found";
language['langUS']['lbl_unreachable'] = "Unreachable";
language['langUS']['lbl_failovers'] = "Failovers";
language['langUS']['lbl_callerid_np'] = "CallerID";
language['langUS']['lbl_are_you_cancel'] = "are you sure you want to cancel e911";
language['langUS']['lbl_cance_warning'] = "Cancel warning";
language['langUS']['lbl_browser_not_support'] = "Your browser does not support the audio element.";
language['langUS']['lbl_music_hold_player'] = "Music on Hold player";
language['langUS']['lbl_volume'] = "Volume";
language['langUS']['lbl_preview'] = "Preview";
language['langUS']['lbl_addnew'] = "Add New";
language['langUS']['lbl_quiet_volume'] = "Quiet Volume";
language['langUS']['lbl_list_order'] = "List Order";
language['langUS']['lbl_random'] = "Random";
language['langUS']['lbl_selected_recording'] = "Selected Recordings";
language['langUS']['lbl_drag_drop'] = "You can drag and drop as many recordings as you want from Available Recordings into Selected Recordings. Drag and drop the Selected Recordings to set the order in which they must be played to the caller.";
language['langUS']['lbl_mandatory_field'] = "Mandatory Field";
language['langUS']['lbl_save'] = "Save";
language['langUS']['lbl_delete_this_record'] = "Delete this record?";
language['langUS']['lbl_pin_4'] = "PIN (4 digits)";
language['langUS']['lbl_digit_time_out'] = "Digit Time Out";
language['langUS']['lbl_caller_id_over_ride'] = "CallerID Overrride";
language['langUS']['lbl_routing_destination_busy'] = "Rounting If Destination Busy";
language['langUS']['lbl_add_other_option'] = "Add Other Option";
language['langUS']['lbl_remove_last_option'] = "Remove Last Option";
language['langUS']['lbl_route_numbers_timecondition'] = "You can route your DID numbers to \"Time Conditions\". Once you have created a Time Condition, you can go to \"Services > My Services\", click on your DID Number and change the routing to the time condition of your choice.";
language['langUS']['lbl_add_time_condition'] = "Add Time Condition";
language['langUS']['lbl_if_match'] = "If Match";
language['langUS']['lbl_if_not_match'] = "If No Match";
language['langUS']['lbl_no_time_condition'] = "No Time Condition Registered";
language['langUS']['lbl_queues_consist_of'] = "Queues consist of";
language['langUS']['lbl_incoming_calls_placed'] = "Incoming calls being placed in the queue";
language['langUS']['lbl_members_answer'] = "Members that answer the queue (static members or users that login as agents dynamically)";
language['langUS']['lbl_strategy_handle'] = "A strategy for how to handle the queue and divide calls between members";
language['langUS']['lbl_music_played'] = "Music played while waiting in the queue";
language['langUS']['lbl_announce_agents'] = "Announcements for agents and callers";
language['langUS']['lbl_callers_reach_queue'] = "Callers can reach a queue you have configured via a DID Routing, DID Failover or IVR (Digital Receptionist).";
language['langUS']['lbl_login_dial_prompt'] = "Login: Dial *11, at the prompt, dial queue ID";
language['langUS']['lbl_logout_dial'] = "Logout: Dial *12, at the prompt, dial queue ID";
language['langUS']['lbl_add_queue'] = "Add Queue";
language['langUS']['lbl_edit_members'] = "Edit Members";
language['langUS']['lbl_no_callback_found'] = "No Callbacks were found";
language['langUS']['lbl_no_members_were_found'] = "No Members were found";
language['langUS']['lbl_back_queue'] = "Back to Queues";
language['langUS']['lbl_add_member'] = "Add Member";
language['langUS']['lbl_statick_members'] = "Static Members are the predefined and permanently assigned members responsible for answering incoming calls to a queue.";
language['langUS']['lbl_many_members'] = "You can add as many members as you wish to any given queue. You only have to add the Description, the Priority of the member and the Account that will receive the calls from the queue.";
language['langUS']['lbl_advantaje_member'] = "The advantage of the static members is that your members do not have to login or logout from the queue using the *11 and *12 commands. The only thing your members have to do is register or unregister their accounts from our servers.";
language['langUS']['lbl_members_unable'] = "One of disadvantages of the static members is that your members are unable to log out of the queue, they are permanently assigned instead. Other disadvantage is that your members need to use their account or sub account to be in the queue, this could mean that they wouldn't be able to change devices and log into the queue, they would have to use their assigned device.";
language['langUS']['lbl_no_recordings_found'] = "No Recordings were found";
language['langUS']['lbl_url'] = "URL";
language['langUS']['lbl_music_caller']="Music the caller will hear, while is answered";
language['langUS']['lbl_ring_order']="Ring Order";
language['langUS']['lbl_follow_order']="Follow Order";
language['langUS']['lbl_random_order']="Random Order";
language['langUS']['lbl_additional_info']="Additional Info";
language['langUS']['lbl_select_filter']="Select Type of Filter";
language['langUS']['lbl_wildcards_use']="Use of Wildcards (Optional)";
language['langUS']['lbl_matches_digit_x']="X - Matches any digit at the specific location in the number. ";
language['langUS']['lbl_matches_digit']="* - Matches any number of digits and any digit. ";
language['langUS']['lbl_some_excamples']="Some examples, for this example we'll assume CallerID Number is 2145550000:";
language['langUS']['lbl_matchcaller']="2145550000, 214*, 214XXX0000, 214XXXXXXX and 214XXX00* are examples that would match CallerID 2145550000 while 214XXX7* and 214XXX are examples that would NOT match the CallerID 2145550000.";
language['langUS']['lbl_save_contact']="Save Contact";
language['langUS']['lbl_contact_detail']="Contact Details";
language['langUS']['lbl_recording_details']="Recording Details";
language['langUS']['lbl_from_name']="From Name";
language['langUS']['lbl_from_number']="From Number";
language['langUS']['lbl_sender_displayed']="This is the sender name that will be displayed in the header of every page of the fax message.";
language['langUS']['lbl_checkbox_email']="If the checkbox is selected, an email will be sent to the specified address to confirm the Fax has been sent successfully or to advise of a failed attempt.";
language['langUS']['lbl_send_email']="Send Email";
language['langUS']['lbl_enable_attach_file']="Enable Attach PDF File";
language['langUS']['lbl_enable_callback_retry']="Enable Callback Retry";
language['langUS']['lbl_save_member']="Save Member";
language['langUS']['lbl_music_hold']="Music on hold";
language['langUS']['lbl_full_name']="Full Name";
language['langUS']['lbl_street_number1']="Street Number";
language['langUS']['lbl_street_number2']="Street #";
language['langUS']['lbl_street_name']="Street Name";
language['langUS']['lbl_address_type']="Address Type";
language['langUS']['lbl_other_information']="Other information";
language['langUS']['lbl_zip_postal_code']="Zip / Postal Code";
language['langUS']['lbl_callback_disa']="Similar to the call-back, The DISA (Direct Inward System Access) let you dial numbers via your VOIP Account from Inbound Calls. The main difference is that a DISA doesn't \"call you back\". It gives you directly the access to dial a phone number of your choice, similar to what a Calling Card service does. For example, you can create a DISA Entry, and configure one of your DID Number routing to point to a DISA. When you call, you will be prompted a PIN number and the telephone number you want to dial to. You can also use DISA from IVR's (Digital Receptionist), Time Conditions and CallerID Filtering.";
language['langUS']['lbl_when_accesing_disa']="When accessing a DISA, you will first be prompted to dial the PIN. It consist of 4 digits. Once you have dialed the 4 digits, the system will prompt you for the telephone number. Dial the telephone number of your choice and then press the pound key (#) or simply wait for the duration of the \"Digit Time-out\", and the system will place the call.";
language['langUS']['lbl_add_disa']="Add DISA";
language['langUS']['lbl_no_disa_found']="No DISAs were found";
language['langUS']['lbl_delete_confirm']="you sure you want to delete the Time condition entry";
language['langUS']['lbl_callback_routed']="Here you can create callback entries. When a DID is routed to a callback entry and a call is placed to it, the number will return a busy signal. The system will then callback the specified number and present the user with a dialtone. Please note that the number to callback can be an international number as well but we do not guarantee that the DTMF tones will work properly.";
language['langUS']['lbl_add_callback']="Add Callback";
language['langUS']['lbl_digita_receptionist']="The 'Digital Receptionist' (IVR) page is the interface used to setup your auto-attendant menus. For example, you could create an IVR and point"+
"one of your DID numbers to it, and when the IVR answers, caller will hear \"Thank you for calling XYZ Inc, for Sales press 1, for Service press 2\", etc.";
language['langUS']['lbl_plan_call_flow']="Plan your call flow in advance. You should create all the destinations (childs) of your IVR menus before creating the parent IVR's that lead to them";
language['langUS']['lbl_record_audio']="Record your audio prompts and upload them using the \"Recordings\" portion of the customer portal.";
language['langUS']['lbl_call_fowarding']="A Call Forwarding allows an incoming call to be redirected to a mobile telephone or other telephone number where the desired called party is able to answer.";
language['langUS']['lbl_call_fowarding_after']="Here you can create Call Forwarding entries. After creating a Call Forwarding entry, you can route a DID to it. ";
language['langUS']['lbl_call_fowarding_after2']="Please note that when you forward a call, normal inbound charges apply according to your DID plan and the normal termination rate is also applied for the destination number for the duration of the call.";
language['langUS']['lbl_call_fowarding_details']="Call Forwarding Details";
language['langUS']['lbl_add_fowarding']="Add Forwarding";
language['langUS']['lbl_registration_found']="No registration found";
language['langUS']['lbl_add_phone_number']="Add Phone Number";
language['langUS']['lbl_any_calls_one']="If any incoming calls to one of your numbers matches a phone number in the phonebook, the Caller-ID name of the incoming calls will be set to the entry on the phonebook. For example, if you have a phonebook entry with the number 5552221234 associated to the name \"John Smith\", when you receive a call from 5552221234, the CallerID name will be displayed as \"John Smith\".";
language['langUS']['lbl_please_select_pop']="Please Select a POP server.";
language['langUS']['lbl_account_satus']="Account Registration Status.";
language['langUS']['lbl_cance_e911']="Cancel e911";
language['langUS']['lbl_no_ring_groups']="No Ring Groups were found";
language['langUS']['lbl_no_sip_uris']="No SIP URIs were found";
language['langUS']['lbl_callerid_filter']="CallerID Filtering";
language['langUS']['lbl_recordings_interactive']="Recordings can be used in Interactive Voice Responses and Calling Queues. You can also have your DIDs configured to play a recording to the caller, or as a failover if you prefer that instead of voicemail."+
"First you need to upload your recordings here. When done, create or edit your IVR and Queues and select the appropriate recording.
File Specifications:
"Your file must be a Windows WAV sound file (extension .wav). The format is PCM 8kHz 16 bits Mono. The system will attempt to convert your .wav file to this format once the upload is done but result is not guaranteed if you didn't saved your file in the proper format. Please note that when you "+
"upload a new recording, it can take up to 60 seconds for this recording to propagate to all VoIp servers and will not be playable until this process is done.";
language['langUS']['lbl_add_recording']="Add recording";
language['langUS']['lbl_test_uploaded']="You can test the uploaded recording by dialing the corresponding test code.";
language['langUS']['lbl_another_incoming']="Another way of routing incoming calls to your DID numbers is by the use of SIP URI's. "+
A SIP URI is the SIP addressing schema to call another person via SIP. In other words, a SIP URI is a user's SIP phone number. The SIP URI resembles an e-mail address and is written in the following format: x@y:port (x=Username, y=host|domain|IP)"+
To make a SIP URI that can be used with multiple DIDs, use the {DID} tag. The {DID} expression will be replaced automatically by the DID number as it is listed in the \"Manage DID section\"."+
Example: 1{DID}@Your_IP_address = 12143221234@";
language['langUS']['hour_hour_m12']="GMT - 12 Hours";
language['langUS']['hour_hour_m11']="GMT - 11 Hours";
language['langUS']['hour_hour_m10']="GMT - 10 Hours";
language['langUS']['hour_hour_m9']="GMT - 9 Hours";
language['langUS']['hour_hour_m8']="GMT - 8 Hours";
language['langUS']['hour_hour_m7']="GMT - 7 Hours";
language['langUS']['hour_hour_m6']="GMT - 6 Hours";
language['langUS']['hour_hour_m5']="GMT - 5 Hours";
language['langUS']['hour_hour_m4']="GMT - 4 Hours";
language['langUS']['hour_hour_m35']="GMT - 3.5 Hours";
language['langUS']['hour_hour_m3']="GMT - 3 Hours";
language['langUS']['hour_hour_m2']="GMT - 2 Hours";
language['langUS']['hour_hour_m1']="GMT - 1 Hours";
language['langUS']['hour_hour_1']="GMT + 1 Hour";
language['langUS']['hour_hour_2']="GMT + 2 Hours";
language['langUS']['hour_hour_3']="GMT + 3 Hours";
language['langUS']['hour_hour_35']="GMT + 3.5 Hours";
language['langUS']['hour_hour_4']="GMT + 4 Hours";
language['langUS']['hour_hour_45']="GMT + 4.5 Hours";
language['langUS']['hour_hour_5']="GMT + 5 Hours";
language['langUS']['hour_hour_55']="GMT + 5.5 Hours";
language['langUS']['hour_hour_6']="GMT + 6 Hours";
language['langUS']['hour_hour_65']="GMT + 6.5 Hours";
language['langUS']['hour_hour_7']="GMT + 7 Hours";
language['langUS']['hour_hour_8']="GMT + 8 Hours";
language['langUS']['hour_hour_9']="GMT + 9 Hours";
language['langUS']['hour_hour_95']="GMT + 9.5 Hours";
language['langUS']['hour_hour_10']="GMT + 10 Hours";
language['langUS']['hour_hour_11']="GMT + 11 Hours";
language['langUS']['hour_hour_12']="GMT + 12 Hours";
language['langUS']['hour_hour_13']="GMT + 13 Hours";